张茜,杨东旭,钟永德,周国英,李文明.黄石寨景区旅游活动对典型植物群落的影响,浙江农业学报, 2017, 29( 7) : 1158 - 1165.

Fen Luo, Brent Moyle,Jiang Bao,Yongde Zhong.The role of institutions in the production of space for tourism: National Forest Parks in China,Forest Policy and Economics,2016(70):47-55.(SCI)

钟永德.旅游业碳排放计量与生态效率评价, 旅游学刊,2016,31(9):11-12.


Yongde Zhong, Shengyi Shi, Shihong Li, Fen Luo, Weiliang Luo and Qiong Xiao.Empirical research on construction of a measurement framework for tourism carbon emission in China, Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 2015,Vol. 00, No. 00, 1-10.

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