33. Xunhe Yin, Shunli Zhao, Zihuai Lin et al, Unfalsified Control with Channel Probing in Ad Hoc Power Control, Journal of Internet Technology, 2015, 16 (1) :95-104【SCI检索号WOS: 000349067000009】
32. 尹逊和,樊雪丽等,基于异步动态的多机器人系统的一致性,系统工程与电子技术,2014,36(12) : 167-175【EI检索号20150300425895】
31. Xunhe YIN, Shunli ZHAO, Lei WANG et al, Predictive Optimal Coupling Design of Control and Scheduling in Network-based Control Systems, Journal of Computational Information Systems,2014, 10 (18): 7701–7714【EI检索号20144900286084】
30. 尹逊和,樊雪丽,白霞等,存在信道噪声和随机丢包的多机器人协调控制,电机与控制学报,2014,18(10) : 112-120【EI检索号20144800269545】
29. Shunli Zhao, Xunhe Yin, and Xueye Wei, Analysis and Design of Network-Based Control Systems with Binary Modulation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 785790: 1-7【SCI检索号WOS:000334840000001;EI检索号20142017720465】
28. Qingquan Cui, Jing Ning, Xunhe Yin, Research on the Intelligent Management of Access Control System for Laboratory Center, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, Vol. 421: 562-567【EI检索号20134416921194】
27. Xunhe Yin, Jingdong Li, Shunli Zhao, Qingquan Cui, Influence Factors of Networked Control System Performance and Simulation, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, Vol. 421: 554-561【EI检索号20134416921193】
26. Xunhe Yin, Shunli Zhao, Qingquan Cui, Modified MTS Algorithm of Networked ControlSystems Based on CAN Bus, Computer Science Applications and Education, 2012, 2(2): 329-335