● 芮志文,余新泉,陈锋,热处理对新型高速钢W4Mo2Cr4VSi2RE组织和性能的影响,南京大学学报,2009, Vol.45, No.2, p.174

● Feng Chen, Aiwen Zhang, De-ping He, Control of the degree of pore-opening for porous metals, Journal of Materials Science, 2001, Vol.36, No.3, p.669-672

● Feng Chen, Takagi M, Kawamura Y, Kato H, Inoue A, Crystallization of Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 bulk metallic glass composites containing ZrC particles, Materials Transactions, 2001, Vol.43, No.1, p.1-4

● T. J. Lu, Feng Chen, De-ping He, Sound absorption of cellular metals with semi-open cells, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 2000, Vol.108. No.4, p.1697-1709

● Feng Chen, Guangji Shu, Preparation of Al-Pb immiscible alloy in a high intensity ultrasonic field, Journal of Materials Science Letters, 1998, No.17, p.259

● Jun wang, Sun B, Zhou YH, Zhang LN, Feng Chen, SEM in-situ fracture observation and the reinforcing effect of composite SiCp/ZA22, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2001, Vol.17, No.6, p.649-652

● S. C. Tjong, Feng Chen, Wear behavior of as-cast ZnAl27/SiC particulate metal-matrix composites under lubricated sliding conditions, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 1997, Vol.28A, No.9, p. 1951

● Liqun Ma, Feng Chen, Guangji Shu, Preparation of fine particulate reinforced metal matrix composites by high intensity ultrasonic treatment, Journal of Materials Science Letters, 1995, Vol.14, No.9, p.649

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