● 王俊,陈锋,孙宝德等,微细颗粒对复合材料熔体表观粘度的影响,复合材料学报,2001, Vol.18, No.1, p.58-61(EI收录)

● 陈锋等,高能超声作用下数种复合材料的制备及机制,复合材料学报,1998,No.3,p.12(EI收录)

● 陈锋等,油润滑条件下ZA27/SiCP复合材料的滑动磨损行为,摩擦学学报,1998, Vol.18, No.4,p.295(EI收录)


● The energy absorbing efficiency of cellular metals under compressive loading, In proceedings of the international conference on cellular metals: manufacture, properties and applications, edited by J. Banhart, N. A. Fleck and A Mortensen (Verlag MIT Publishing, Berlin, Germany, 2003) p.441

● Preparation, structure control and acoustic properties of porous Al with open cells, In proceedings of the international symposium on metal foams and porous metal structures, edited by J. Banhart, Michael F. Ashby, Norman A. Fleck (Verlag MIT Publishing, Bremen, Germany, 1999) p.163

● Manufacture of Aluminum Foam via Powder Foaming Process,MRS-K conference as well as International Porous Metal Workshop, Jin-Ju City, South Korea, 2006(特邀报告)

● Nanocrystallization of Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 metallic glass containing ZrC crystalline particles, In proceedings of the 4th international symposium on intermaterials, February 6-7, 2001, Ichho Kaikan, Osaka University, Japan.

● Nanocrystallization and mechanical properties of Zr-based metallic glass and its composite, 日本金属学会2001年春期(第128回)大会论文集(3月28-30日,千叶)

● 喷锌球墨铸铁管的电化学腐蚀行为研究,中国铸造协会铸管及管件分会“ISO2531新国际标准”研讨会,2007年4月(特邀报告)

● 粉末冶金泡沫铝的研究进展,江苏省粉末冶金学会2006年年会(特邀报告)

● 粉末冶金泡沫铝的研究进展及应用,2004年中国材料研讨会(多孔材料分会特邀报告)



2005年指导了巴黎高科Ecole Polytechniqu的学生、2007年和2008年分别指导了巴黎高科Ensam的学生在东南大学为期4个月的实习,并指导其完成毕业论文。




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