韩九强 教授

Prof. Jiuqiang Han


Office:Room 163, East Building No.2



西安交通大学自动化系学士(Xi'an Jiaotong University, Automation B.S)

研究方向(Research Interests):

智能检测理论及应用(Theory and application of intelligent detection)

机器视觉技术与图像信息融合(Machine vision technology and image information fusion)

嵌入式软测量与智能仪器装置(Embedded soft measurement and intelligent instrument device)

生物信息学处理(Bioinformatics processing)

获奖 (Awards):

国家科学技术进步二等奖(The Second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award)

陕西省科学技术进步一等奖(The First prize of Shaanxi Science and Technology Progress Award)

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